Focus Training Corp. would like to introduce our next level of expectations.
Welcome to the persuit of excellence
D5 offers exposure, education and experience in military grade / Counter Violence protection platforms. Exposure to real world threats, education into the anatomy of those threats, and the experience of confronting and mitigating those threats. All of our courses are tailored specifically for the needs of the clients and the threats they face physically, financially, and as an entity. Our subject matter specialist are world class in their field of instruction and execution.
How you enter a situation largely determines how you will leave that situation. Victory favors the prepaired.
The What: Defensive Engagements For Counter Offensive Negotiations - DEFCON
There are 5 Tiers of training from which our clients develop. Tier 5 has the least amount of threat and Tier 1 has the greatest.
Tier 5 paired limb control
Tier 3 In Fight Weapons Access.
D5 Tier training includes participant manuals and videos for continued, long term training and retention.
Training options
As with many of out clients, time is always a consideration. Tier 5 may be done in a day or two, Tier 1 training is the most involved and dynamic training we offer and therefore takes more time. Proper execution is a matter of retention and retention is a matter of proper repetition.
T-5. 1 day - 2 hours educational, 6 hours integrated (hands on)
T-4. 2 days -1/2 day educational, 1 1/2 days integrated.
T-3. 3 days - 1 day educational, 2 integrated.
T-2. 3/4 days -1 1/2 days of educational, 2- 2 1/1 integrated.
T-1. 5 days plus - 1 day educational - 2 days training, repeat 2 times.
Subjects within the D5 training platform include:
Verbal assignments
De-escalation tactics
Situational / Environmental understanding / control
Conflict management
Observational assessments
Team building
Flexible use of force continuum
Weaponizing the flinch response
Baton training
Threat extraction
Knife training
Positional contol dynamics
In-fight weapon access training
Effective Team communication
Team formation and assignments
Knowing the enemy
Combative striking
Detain and restrain tactics
Role playing
Scenario training
Emergency medical training
Active shooter
Multiple assailants
And much more.
*The contents of a D5 training curriculum are only available to agents acting on behalf of the client and D5 authorized personnel.
The Who - D5 Personnel
Counter Violence Specialist Michael VanBeek
World renown reality based martial artist and Counter Violence Specialist Michael VanBeek is the Chief Instructor and architect of the D5 platforms. Michael has been involved in the martial arts since the age of 10. His wide bandwidth of experience is seen from attaining black belts, to his years as a competition fighter and pro cage fighter. He studied criminal justice in college, trained and worked as a professional body / personal protection for famous athletes and musicians, as well as, head of security for one of Chicago’s premier entertainment groups. Michael VanBeek is also the founder of Focus Training Corp. His ability to deliver information in a manner conducive to the needs of the client is unparalleled. To hear about Michael from his own mouth, check out this interview with Michael on the Managing Violence PodCast.
Contact our representatives and start building the platform and training program that mitigates your risks and serves peace of mind.